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We're taking a moment to give a nod to one of the many True Fashionista designers of a bygone generation that have influenced today's fashion stars. The name Claire McCardell may not immediately be as legendary as long-established brands like DiorHermès, or Louis Vuitton. Still, her designs significantly impacted American fashion in the 20th century. Her influence remains among the array of luxury designers found in the vast collection at True Fashionistas, Florida's largest designer resale and consignment store. 


The sixties were umpteen million years ago, and one of the major results of that unique moment in American history is: no, not political and social upheaval and war; no, not the musical revolution, but the stuff of legend: True Fashionista tie-dye. As 2021 rapidly approaches, we ask, is tie dye still a thing? It’s still very much an activity, probably more so these days in quarantine situations. However, do they still carry cred on the street?
Fashion Movies for True Fashionistas

Fashion Movies for True Fashionistas

Take off the Louboutins, relax with a nice glass of cabernet and get lost in a tale of True Fashionista glamour, and perhaps mystery, on the screen.

History of High Heels

History of High Heels

The History of High Heels. “I don’t know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot.” – Marilyn Monroe
Ah, high heels. We can all use another pair of fabulous heels. They look so good, feel so sexy and, as millions of wearers will agree, elicit a feeling of empowerment. Gimme a pair of Chanels and red lipstick and I can conquer the world! Whether you’re chunkin’ it out on two-story platforms, or True Fashionista balancing on four-inch stilettos, high heels have firmly placed themselves in wardrobes and on runways since, oh I don’t know, the beginning of time?